Commercial & business security solutions in Nottingham
Commercial and business security, like most procedures, needs an audit. A consistent security system needs to be in place to ensure that buildings are internally and externally secure.
Halls Locksmiths have contacts in the fencing industry and we specialise in “close” building security such as anti-ram raid posts, razor wire, anti-climb paint and CCTV.
Want to know how to keep your business protected?
The key aspects of protecting your commercial property include:
External site security
The protection of any building has to be measured in terms of probable risk of criminal activity, but in most instances, the risk is the same. A tougher exterior can prevent your commercial property from intruders and criminal activity.
As a large proportion of business establishments are in fairly remote sites or at least in locations which aren’t occupied at night, greater emphasis needs to be placed on a stronger perimeter, such as fencing or window security.
Internal site security
Internal security starts at the front door with visitors and all too often ‘walk-in-thieves’ enter the building and look for an easy opportunity, such as an empty office with unattended handbag or laptop. You want to be selective and be in control of enters a building.
A simple digital lock can easily prevent this kind of scenario and gives easy access to staff, while stopping unwanted visitors. Also, in most offices, staff have different responsibilities and deal with private documents, which requires their office door to be kept locked when not attended. This situation can be made easier with a Master Key System with the key or card access option.
Cash offices, computer rooms, account’s office and high-value storage rooms are all places which may require enhanced security such as window grilles or bars and high-security doors.
Methods to protect your commercial property:
- Installing CCTV in the appropriate places
- Window grilles on rooms holding valuable or sensitive items
- Alarms to alert for intruders
- Anti-climb paint to prevent trespassing
- Digital locks for high-level door security
- Master key systems for selective door access
- Safes to protect valuable goods
External commercial security services
Every building is at risk of being targeted by unwanted visitors, so an audit needs to be untaken to understand where the vulnerabilities in a building’s security lie.
Halls Locksmiths can assess your building for these weaknesses and recommend solutions to make them tougher. Our mobile or in-store locksmiths can advise you on the best products such as CCTV, window grilles, anti-climb paint and alarms to prevent your property from being a target for criminal activity.
Internal commercial security services
Don’t let your commercial property become a victim of ‘walk-in-thieves’ and help themselves to your hard-earned assets. Putting barriers in place, such as door operators, access control, ABS locks, and master key systems.
Halls Locksmiths provide other forms of commercial security including cash protection, mainly in the form of metal tin or bankers safes.
Fire protection can often feel like a compromise. On the first hand, the Fire Brigade wishes for a means for escape ‘without the use of a key’ and on the other hand, the Police suggest that all doors and windows are locked and barred. We stock many types of products and can provide expert knowledge to advise on solutions which suit both aspects.
We can provide a wide variety of reliable internal and external security products in our store to prevent incidents happening at your commercial property.